jeudi 8 décembre 2011

Dean Catamarans 441 - Aloha 125


Dean Catamarans 441
" ALOHA 125 "
Blue Passion Diving Inc.
Corinne ERIZO

I'm Corinne ERIZO, unfortunately a owner of one of the broken Dean 441. 

"ALOHA 125" is the Dean 44155 built and launched on 10 February 2009.

Aloha 125 name is composed :

first by ALOHA,
because I love Hawaii where I spent holidays with american friends from San Diego, 

and second by 125,
especialy in honor of a US minesweepper USS Tide AM 125,sunk during the WWII in Normandy.

I found the wreck and a crews list in a log book in it.
That was the start of very nice story of love between US veterans and their family with me.
We are all a big special family and the veterans do considere me like one of the members of crew !
I use to go very often in USA.
Let's go to my web site about it :

For this raison, I'm also a honorary membership of Astoria Yacht Club, Oregon, USA.

In 2009, I made a Company "Blue Passion Diving Inc" in Delaware, USA, to buy and work with the dean catamaran 441 Aloha 125. So the boat is US flag.

I'm right now in Nosy Be, Madagascar in Indian Ocean on the Dean 441 where I leave.
That's why I'm in danger.

If you want to know what happens, let's go to my boat web site : 

and my blog :

It's for now in french but I puted Google translator on the top left side of the blog.
I will try to write also english version of the articles.

Peter Dean recognized himself in a letter that they are 18 Dean 441 ship, who can have these potentially structural problems.
These boats are the Deans 441 44 to the 441 61.

Reva Nui was in Dean yard when I was in South Africa after launching Aloha 125.
It was the first broken Dean 441 and the only one to be fixed.

So structural problems on the bulkheads of the Dean 441 boats concerned not one boat, but 18 boats !
6 Dean catamaran 441 already are damaged and made a declaration of sinister to their insurance.
But not all these boats are broken for now, luckely, but they can break maybe later ...
French people don't like to see reality and do prefer not to know anything until they are not involved. They don't stand together.

Anyway, what you have to know is that these structural problems on a part of the Dean 441 ships, is so important,that the price to fix all the damages is close to the price of the boats, and as it concern so many boats, Peter Dean is not enough strong financially to do it.

Since 2 years, Peter Dean always said he will fix the problem on my boat, but he really never did it.
As I was in Mayotte, Indian Ocean for months, he said there were not an international airport over there, and he always asked to me to go to Nosy Be, Madagascar.
Now I am in Nosy Be and he don't come anyway.

Personally, I wait for him for 2 years now and I am in great danger right now on my boat in Indian Ocean.
I'm no more able to navigate very far from the coasts with my dangerous Dean 441.
And they are hurricane saison now, and somalian pirates are now down to Mayotte and Madagascar.

My Insurance Groupama Transport tried to communicate with Peter Dean.
But Peter Dean don't want to cooperate.
He don't want to really fix the broken boats.
But he say to everybody that the owners don't want their boat fixed.
Can you really believe it ?!

ALOHA 125 is in great danger !
Please, believe me, this problem is very serious !

If you need some more informations, please let me know.
But don't forget I'm on a boat and I don't have a connexion very easely !
Best regards,

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